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Pat Bell, City Council Member

Jimmy Davenport, City Council Member

Bill Decker, City Council Member

Mark Stratton, Mayor

Sandra Kinser, City Council Member

Diane Walker, City Council Member

Larry Wilcutt, City Council Member


City Council Meetings

The City of Russellville Council is made up of six members, elected at large, and a mayor, who serves as chairman and presides over meetings. Regular council meetings are held the first Tuesday after the first Monday of each month, then on the Tuesday two weeks following the first meeting of the month, at 5:00 P.M. in the council chamber, in the rear of the water department billing office at 106 SW Park Square. All meetings are open to the public. Citizens may address the City Council at the conclusion of regular business at the Mayor's discretion, and time permitting. To obtain meeting information or agenda topics, contact the Office of City Clerk or click on the council agenda link on the web site.